
Three, two, one...

Wake up little bird
I'm sure you're there
I listen to the sound of metal chains
Coming from distant lands

I watch you walking in the rainy street
Like an old black and white
Instead of running on a sunny road
you know where you're going to, don't you?

One day you'll learn
One day you'll smile at the world
The afternoon will arrive, you'll slip
And I'll be there to hold you in my arms
you'll believe in love again

Stumbling happens, mistakes were made
By me, by you, by everyone
I get that
But there's much more than this in life
The water's light and quenches our thirst
But blood is thicker and holds us together

So move these old images out of the way
Free yourself from those chains that are hurting you
I've heard the sound from the sad lands
You were taken from your dark nest
It doesn't matter
Now you have a new one
One where you're the queen

I guess you don't believe it right now
So I sat down and wrote these words
When notes become letters
And now I can say
Your name is gonna be the last song I will play


Carlos Correa

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